
We give voice to our employees
Katarzyna, Matopat Sales and Marketing Department Director
• How did your professional development in TZMO SA look like?
As a graduate of Nicolaus Copernicus University in Torun I started to work as a specialist in marketing department. Preparing the offer of the specialist dressings for the treatment of chronic wounds that I was responsible for at the beginning, for me as for the chemist specialized in polymers, was both interesting and completely new. I had to learn a lot to be able to create a message about our specialist dressings offer directed to our clients – medical staff and patients. During 6 years of my work on this position I gained experience implementing projects in marketing, clients’ education and creating TZMO SA image on the medical market. I like to recall the time, when I could participate in building the standards of long-term care in Poland and support this process on behalf of our company. Since 2005 I have been engaged in the sales area. For 3 years I managed the team of tradesmen, who offered medical products on the Polish market and I was responsible for the creation of the sales strategy. Currently 2 trade departments are subordinated to me as to the Director of Matopat Sales and Marketing Department: the one that operates on the hospital market and the department of pharmaceutical sales, and also: the operational marketing department, Public Auctions department, sales administration and European Centre of Long-term Care. It is a team of about 100 people.
• What possibilities are given to you by the job in TZMO SA?
Considering my professional career I owe everything to that company. My abilities today are the effect of my hard work and of the possibilities to take actions in various areas that I have been given by TZMO SA. It is a kind of company that if you have initiative and ideas you can talk the managers to put these ideas into practice. Referring to the close to me areas of educational activity and image creation it must be stressed, that without the openness of the Board to this kind of expensive activities, their implementation wouldn’t be possible. In spite of the fact that today I stand on the TZMO SA sales and business side, all the actions that back up the sales are my passion and I’m glad to be able to support them.
• What are your professional challenges in the future?
Huge challenges, because my team, being the leader, is responsible for the sales on Polish market. Our ambition is to keep this position. That means everyday consistent work on searching the advantages over our competitors. That gives us possibility to increase our sales. What is more, very important for me is building in the teams such an atmosphere that we just like to come to work, that we understand our aims in the same way and that we do everything to achieve them. I have no doubts that the challenges that are in front of our company require from us building the team-work culture and conviction, that every employee through his/her effort, commitment and creativity has a significant impact on the company’s success.