since 1951

The company Toruńskie Zakłady Materiałów Opatrunkowych is established
The production of the dressing material for the Ministry of National Defense and the Central Mining Office Supply starts in Toruń. Production is set to expire after completing the order, within about 6 months, but due to the high quality of work, further tasks appear. |||The company Toruńskie Zakłady Materiałów Opatrunkowych is established and begins conquering foreign markets. At that time, the products of TZMO go to the European, African and Asian countries.

We are a public company
The crucial moment in the history of the company: physical persons – the employee of the company and representatives of academic and medical environment create a join-stock company – TZMO SA, which buys business assets from National Treasury.

Bella Hungaria Kft
Establishment of the first foreign entity belonging to TZMO Group in Hungary

Our products with CE sign
TZMO SA – as the first company in the health care sector in Poland – is entitled to mark its products with European CE safety mark.

Production plants in the East market
The production of hygiene products in our newly built factories in Russia and Ukraine begins.

Modern production lines
The production of breathable laminate that replaces the film in absorbent articles for children and adults in initiated. This is a revolutionary challenge which raises the product quality and comfort of its use.

Modern factory in India
New factory in India begins manufacturing of hygiene and medical products.

New production plants
The production plants in the Pomorska Special Economic Zone in the Kowalewo Pomorskie are formed.

USA market challenge
Launch of Seni incontinence products to US market is an another big investment and challenge for TZMO Group. TZMO USA INC. having registered office in Atlanta, Georgia with great consequence develop business activity

54 companies in 17 countries. 7300 employees.
We continue investments in 10 countries: in Russia, Lithuania, Ukraine, Germany, Slovakia, Hungary, Romania, USA, India and Poland.|||Our products are available on over 65 markets: in Europe, Asia, Africa, America and Australia.

CitoNet Warszawa.
It's already 6th branch of Service Centers in Poland which provides modern services in the field of outsourcing water washing and offering non-standard sterile packagings, sets of medical products dedicated to precise medical procedures. Nowadays TZMO Group has its Service Centers CitoNet in such cities as Bydgoszcz, Szczecin, Cracow, Łodz, Zabagno and Warsaw.

New Head Office of TZMO Benelux near to Amsterdam
As a global entity we have trade companies and logistic centers on various markets. TZMO Group continually invests. In Netherlands we have just opened a new Head Offoce and logistics center of TZMO Benelux.

TZMO SA - new headquarters in Toruń
TZMO SA - new headquarters in Toruń, consisting of two parts called "black" and "white" by employees. It has five storeys, in the highest place its height exceeds 24 m. The Technology and Innovation Centre (CTI) is also being built in the neighbourhood. Engineers of various specializations work there, constructing machines and technological solutions for TZMO, thanks to which the company achieves an advantage over its competitors.

20th anniversary of the founding of TZMO Deutschland GmbH and the entry of the seni and seni care brand into the German market.
TZMO Deutschland GmbH started its activities in 1999 and today has its own training, marketing and logistics centre in Biesenthal near Berlin. In 2019 another investment was completed - the fifth logistics hall with the most modern technological solutions in the TZMO Group.

Poland, Germany, Russian Federation, Ukraine, Czech Republic, India and Latvia are the countries where TZMO Group carries out further investments.