recruitment methods

To our employees we offer work in many projects, with various people and in many markets, depending from their ambitions and commitment and from the needs of the company. We want our employees to feel co-authors of the company’s success, because it is thanks to their hard work that we can enjoy a high position on a global market.
Thanks to the people we accomplish the development strategy of TZMO SA Group. Their potential, knowledge, abilities and passion help us to achieve our aims and introduce new production, financial and commercial solutions. That is why during our recruitment process we pay attention first of all to:
- Creativity: for us it means looking at the problem from many points of view, using knowledge and imagination to find the most original and at the same time optimal solutions, going beyond schemes
- Elasticity: for us it is ability to find yourself in a new, continually changing milieu, trouble-free acceptance of changes that stimulate to action.
- Will to constant self-improvement: for us it means a will to constant personal improvement and investments in self-improvements
- Ability to cooperate: for us it is efficient communication with people from different milieus, attentive listening and skillful expression of one’s opinions.
Analysis of application documents
At this stage the candidates’ documents are meticulously analyzed in the terms of education and professional experience by the TZMO SA recruitment team.
I interview
During this meeting we can get to know our candidate’s professional experience and education better. Very often this stage is carried out with the use of Skype communicator, with which we can talk to the candidates from distant corners of Poland and of the World.
Being aware that the success is created by people we make every effort to ensure that to our organization get only persons with high potential, suitable to the position’s requirements and to the organizational culture. To be sure of our choices during the second interview we use various tools that help us to check the applicants’ competences and to match their knowledge to the position’s profile in an optimal way. At this stage the candidates can meet their future superiors.
The tools that may be used in the recruitment process:
If during the recruitment process your candidacy will be the most interesting one you can count on an interesting job offer in TZMO SA. The job offer is reinforced with an intentional letter.