development possibilities

The source of our success is the combination of experience and wide knowledge of our long-term employees with dynamism and creativity of young people. The development of our company is based also on close cooperation with our Customers, raw materials suppliers, equipment producers and research institutions.
TZMO SA group gives opportunities:
Development of Your potential
The moving spirits of the development of TZMO group are constant increase of the shares of the markets that we are already present in and acquisition of the new areas. The talented employees contribute significantly to the company’s success. We set ambitious goals for our employees, the realization of which is for them a challenge and a possibility of constant self-improvement. TZMO as a global organization gives its employees a possibility to create and to put into practice new solutions, and thus, a possibility of
Work in an international milieu
Global structure of TZMO Group is formed by over 7300 employees in several countries. When we realize our aims we take under consideration the specific character of local markets. Work in multinational teams gives the employees a chance to exchange their experiences and to achieve high efficiency. We appreciate empathy and openness to other people, and the ability to achieve goals, regardless of cultural differences.
Taking initiative and wide responsibility
In our company teamwork ability comes together with individual problem-solving. We focus on people showing initiative, going one step forward, proceeding behind the scheme, that create the vision of their role in the organization. At the same time an employee, as a part of the whole, bears a large responsibility for his/her activities.
Our way of development, your career path
For the employees oriented on the realization of the business goals of the company we prepare individual paths of development that determine the future positions and aims. Depending on their predispositions and potential our employees have a chance to develop in different business areas in many countries. TZMO SA group provides an opportunity to create a career path from the lowest to the highest positions, and to transfer form operative to strategic management level.