Torun Long-Term Care Days 2010
The 13th edition of Torun Long-Term Care Days (TDOD) was held on 21st-23rd September 2010. Participants of TDOD could take part in the 13th International Long-Term Care Conference ‘Psycho-medical aspect of long-term care’, Symposium ‘Legal and medical problems of infections in health care institutions’ and in free workshops for professional careers.
This year the number of participants was even bigger then in recent years. Over thousand people have come to Torun, to discuss issues related to long-term care.
During the conference every session was devoted to other issues:
I ‘Law vs. ethics in care of the chronically ill and disabled person’
II ‘Managing long-term care institutions’
III ‘Big geriatric teams in everyday practice of long-term care institution’
IV ‘Possibility of communication with patients with brain injury’
V ‘Good practices in long-term care and residential care facilities’
Torun Long-Term Care Days is the sole event in Poland which is devoted to long-term care area, and which concentrates participants not only from Poland but also from all over Europe – representatives of long-term care institutions and social care centers, both managers and medical personnel from Germany, Austria, Sweden, Switzerland, Czech Republic, Lithuania, Latvia, Slovakia, Estonia, Belarus, Ireland, France, Denmark, Romania, Hungary and from the Netherlands
TDOD is organized by the European Long-Term Care Centre with support of the National Consultant in Nursing Chronically Ill and Disabled People and the Polish Society of Gerontology. This year the European Association for Directors of Residential Care Homes for the Elderly (E.D.E.) joined the group of the supportive Partners.
Next Torun Long-Term Care Days will take place on 20th-22nd September 2011. If you are interested in taking part in this educational event, please contact us via E-mail