
The TZMO Group and the Covid-19 virus pandemic situation.
The TZMO Group is more than 55 companies around the world.
We monitor the situation regarding the Covid-19 virus closely and on an ongoing basis, following the guidelines of both WHO and government institutions in each of our markets.
Procedures related to working in a global environment are particularly important to us. Employees' business trips were suspended, we introduced quarantine for people who returned from the countries indicated by the Chief Sanitary Inspector, enabling them to stay at home and work in the "home office" mode.
Meetings with a large number of people take place virtually and modern technology is used to maintain business continuity,
such as video conferencing.
Communication is important to us. We run an information campaign directed at employees on an ongoing basis. The company has introduced hand disinfectants developed and manufactured by our company Pollena-Ewa.
Our production plants in Poland and in the world have implemented the highest standards and safety procedures.
In connection with the introduction of further preventive measures for the spread of coronavirus and out of concern for our mutual security, the Management Board of TZMO SA decided to introduce a mandatory hand disinfection order for all persons entering from outside the premises of the TZMO Group. This applies to all guests and employees, including To this end, hand disinfection stands were prepared at the entrances to the facilities.
The information boards set up at these stands contain information along with the telephone numbers of the sanitary and epidemiological station of the Toruń poviat on how to deal with coronavirus symptoms such as fever, cough, shortness of breath and breathing problems.
Please strictly comply with the above order.