The European Parliament Elections
Among the arguments made by the individuals encouraging us to participate in the European Parliament Elections on June 7, 2009 there are not particularly strongly stressed economic issues. However, they more strongly than other factors decide about the conditions of business success and the level of our lives.
Dear Sir/Madam,
among the arguments made by the individuals encouraging us to participate in the European Parliament Elections on June 7, 2009 there are not particularly strongly stressed economic issues. However, they more strongly than other factors decide about the conditions of business success and the level of our lives.
Hence, let us have a look at the elections from the angle of opportunities which emerge for Poland and Polish industry in the European Union and in the whole of the world. Owing to the fact that voter turnout will decide about the number of seats in the Parliament, it will be a pity if we will not use a chance to influence our environment - legislative and economic - in which we will live and work.
Only global reach ensures the existence and further development of Toruńskie Zakłady Materiałów Opatrunkowych SA. Good law constituted by the institutions of the European Union is indispensable for achieving our strategic goals.
Due to this reason I will participate in the elections, and I urge you to make such a decision.
Jarosław Józefowicz
The President of the TZMO board