On the packaging of products manufactured in the TZMO Group, you can find environmental labels, which have been divided into internal labels (owned by TZMO SA) and external labels (regulated by law).

The GTBG logo on the packaging of a product demonstrates that the product has the lowest possible environmental impact throughout its life cycle - from the sourcing of raw materials to the processing of the used product/packaging.
Each life cycle phase of the packaging product was analysed in detail during the ecodesign process.
In evaluating the impact of designed products and packaging on the environment, we use an assessment system created by TZMO based on the ISO/TR 14062 standard (Environmental management - Integration of environmental aspects into product design and development), in which we identify both positive and negative impacts on the environment - we consider the negative ones as opportunities for further development of our products.

The TZMO drive to ZERO WASTE label on the product packaging indicates that none of the waste generated during the production of this product was disposed of in a landfill, but was managed in accordance with the waste hierarchy.
Waste management hierarchy
Following the waste hierarchy demonstrates that the most preferred form is waste prevention and, where possible, the waste is eliminated, reused or recycled. The last acceptable form is recovery.

The logo " PLASTIC IN PRODUCT" on the packaging of the product (sanitary napkins, pantyliners, tampons, wet wipes) indicates that it contains plastic, therefore the used product must be DISPOSED OF PROPERLY!

The TZMO Group participates in building a system for the collection, recycling and recovery of packaging waste, as evidenced by the labelling of our products with the "Der Grüne Punkt" trademark. We meet our recovery and recycling obligations through Recovery Organisations, which fulfill the obligation completely.