Integrated Management System Policy
This Integrated Management System Policy has been approved and adopted by the Management Board of TZMO SA and applies to all TZMO Group companies.
Depending on the nature of each company’s business, they are free to further develop and improve any activities which are in line with the commitments of this Policy.
Our mission is to provide our customers with the highest quality products that make their lives easier, more comfortable and safer, while responding to both their current and future needs.
We fulfil our mission by following these values:
- We put people, their expectations and their needs at the centre of all our activities.
- We are socially responsible while doing business. We organise and support educational and awareness raising projects to promote health and to help develop social sensitivity towards those in need of our support: the chronically ill, the disabled, and children.
- We promote the well-being of our employees by increasing access to knowledge, prevention programmes and medical services.
- We are constantly striving to raise our occupational health and safety standards. We eliminate hazards and reduce risks by preventing accidents at work, occupational diseases and potentially harmful incidents.
- Our way of doing business contributes to sustainable development and helps guide the economy and society towards a more sustainable model. We identify any potential or actual adverse human rights and environmental impacts associated with our activities and value chain. We then prevent, mitigate, contain and minimise these impacts. To achieve this, we take appropriate steps to establish and apply due diligence measures in relation to our activities as well as to foster close business relationships in the value chain.
- We are committed to combating climate change by monitoring greenhouse gas emissions, setting up pathways to decarbonisation, and improving energy efficiency.
- We limit our negative impact on the natural environment in particular by:
- preventing pollution
- implementing the principles of a circular economy
- using resources from responsible sources.
- We take actions to support biodiversity and prevent its loss in the areas where we operate and in our immediate surroundings.
- We operate in compliance with legal requirements, regulations, and national and international standards related to environmental protection.
- We maintain, improve and promote the implementation of the ISO 14001 environmental management system and FSC CoC standards.
- We respect fundamental human rights and comply with national laws on employee rights, standards dictated by the OECD Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises, and the guidance of the International Labour Organization, in particular with regard to:
- not using child labour
- abolition of all forms of forced and compulsory labour
- non-discrimination in terms of employment opportunities and work performance d. respecting freedom of association and the right to collective bargaining.
- We offer job security by creating long-term opportunities.
- We comply with working time regulations, ensuring employees can exercise their right to rest and to take holidays in accordance with applicable laws.
- We conduct an open social dialogue, supporting communication and cooperation at all levels of the organisation.
- We care about occupational health and safety by adhering to the highest standards, offering regular training, and implementing preventive measures to minimise the risk of accidents.
- We fight against all forms of violence, discrimination and harassment in the workplace.
- We support the professional development of our employees through access to training and opportunities to acquire new skills.
- We support initiatives that positively impact the development and improvement of living conditions of our employees and local communities.
Corporate governance:
- We provide transparent and safe channels for reporting irregularities, including violations of the law by internal and external stakeholders.
- We comply with legal provisions aimed at combating late payments in commercial transactions, while supporting and promoting good practices in this area.
- We prevent corruption incidents, especially in sensitive areas of our operations, where we educate and raise awareness on how to avoid corruption, bribery and conflicts of interest. We support the development of ethical attitudes that help individuals to ensure compliance with applicable laws and internal regulations and standards.
- By implementing modern data protection technologies and improving our Information Security Management System based on ISO 27001 requirements, we aim not only to improve operational efficiency, but also to ensure compliance with the best cybersecurity standards and practices.
- We observe international economic sanctions in accordance with applicable laws.
- We manage intellectual property by taking actions aimed at effective protection, control and enforcement of intellectual property rights. In conducting our business, we prevent infringement of third party copyrights and related rights as well as industrial property rights.
- We manage risk responsibly by methodically identifying and assessing opportunities and threats in all areas of our operations. We employ risk response strategies to effectively use emerging opportunities and minimise the impact of threats on the achievement of our goals.
- Our motivation is our rich history as well as a vision of economic and technological progress – we implement innovative and sustainable technologies while maintaining the highest quality of products, regardless of the country in which they are manufactured.
- Our driving force is a team of talented people and intergenerational cooperation. 28. We set ambitious goals that motivate us to continuously take action for improvement.
- We encourage our suppliers to implement responsible practices to minimise any negative environmental and social impact of their activities.
- We meet all customer requirements and legal requirements.
- We care about the safety and quality of our products and services by improving our ISO 9001 and ISO 13485 management systems.
- We actively participate in the process of developing and disseminating the best standards in the area of healthcare and long-term care.
- We popularise knowledge about pro-ecological and pro-social attitudes.
~ We accompany our customers from the very beginning. We stand with them every step of the way.
We are there for those who need us – in moments of joy and in moments of sadness. ~
Toruń, November 2024
Approved: President of the Management Board of TZMO SA
Jarosław Józefowicz